Bench Top RTP System
生产厂商: | ECM Technologies |
设备型号: | JETFIRST 100C |
放置地点: | 理科2号楼2404 |
设备简介(中文): | 通用型高性价比软件控制桌面型快速退火工艺设备(RTP),满足实验室研发及小规模生产需求。温度测量系统在可用温度范围内提供精确可重复的温度控制。加热灯管阵列,反应腔上部密封法兰,石英窗安装在可向后旋转开启的顶盖上,反应腔可全部敞开,方便取放样品。 |
Introduction (English): | General-purpose, cost-effective software controls desktop rapid annealing process equipment (RTP) to meet the needs of laboratory research and development and small-scale production. The temperature measurement system provides accurate and repeatable temperature control within the available temperature range. Heating lamp array, sealing flange on the upper part of the reaction chamber, quartz window installed on the top cover that can be rotated backwards, the reaction chamber can be fully opened, convenient to take and place samples. |
培训要求: | 实验室统一组织培训,上机需通过实验室培训考核。 |
开放机时: | 800小时/年。 |
收费标准(暂定): | 400元人民币/小时(校内师生),600元人民币/小时(校外人员)。 |
操作手册: | 待发布。 |
管理员及联系方式: | 杨康江 电话:18800128574 邮箱:2306795013@pku.edu.cn |